Bookkeeping Software – free for clients
We blogged recently about Xero and its add-on marketplace
In this blog, we would like to focus on Receiptbank, an app which makes paperless bookkeeping a reality. We can now offer this software to clients free of charge which is worth at least €25 per month for the lowest volumes (50 items per month)
Our clients use it for capturing purchase invoices and expense receipts at the source and the software automates the transfer of that information into the accounting system without touching the sides.
Simple to set up and use
The set up can be done in less than 10 minutes and then it is a simple matter of capturing the document whichever way works best and then processing it through to the accounts.
This can be done by any user without any training by taking a photo with the app on your phone or emailing directly to the system. Automatic filtering and forwarding of emailed invoices is a breeze. There are also options for basic scanning of invoices and using Dropbox and other apps
A lot of the heavy lifting is done by the software in the first instance however we believe that this step requires some bookkeeping expertise. This is just to make sure that VAT and accounting codes are being recorded correctly and pushed through to Xero. This bookkeeping can be provided by ourselves or the client.
The key benefits of the system are as follows
- Paperless bookkeeping implemented
- Avoid retaining paper documents for 6 years– saved securely in the cloud
- Software reads the documents and learns how to deal with suppliers and default info
- Compliant with Revenue VAT rules and guidelines
- Original invoice document available to view in accounting system
- Can work very well with an integrated invoice approval process
- Available to download pdfs and spreadsheet lists as required
If you would like to get set up with Receiptbank free of charge or otherwise discuss how Xero and its add-on marketplace could help you, please get in touch